Red Velvet Set for Sea in Cosmic Concept Photos (Part 1)

Red Velvet’s newest album Cosmic is here, and with it come a whole bunch of great concept photos. This album’s big enough we’re breaking this photo set into multiple parts and checking out the looks the girls are sporting as part of their ten-year celebration album.


The first set we’re looking at are the girls’ sailor outfits. While this look doesn’t appear to have any connection to the name of the album or the title track, it’s still a great look for the group. Surely the team agreed, because these are the outfits the members are wearing on the cover of Cosmic, and much of the promotional material leading up to the release featured these ‘fits.


More than likely, the sailor outfits are probably a throwback to some of the prior looks the group has sported over the past decade. They’ve had sailor-inspired elements pop up in music videos every few years, so it would make sense that the look would return for their celebration album. No matter why, the hats and skirts combo is so cute!