Hello Venus & The Importance of Foundations


Stability is a big part of success. Being able to find your groove, stick to it, and improving as you go is almost always better than reinventing the whole system every step of the way. K-pop girl group Hello Venus is a perfect example of this idea. Unfortunately, this isn't a tale of a girl group who found their audience by doing everything right; this is an example of the stumbling that comes from too many major changes in too short a time. Ultimately, much of Hello Venus’ eventual breakup stemmed from periods of instability during their formation, during their rise, and in their unique management circumstances. 



Hello Venus debuted on May 9, 2012. Their debut single “Venus” shared its name with the groups’ debut EP, and they found a few smaller hits in tracks like “Would You Stay for Tea?,” “What are You Doing Today?,” and “Wiggle Wiggle.” However, the group never quite made it big and eventually announced a disbandment in 2019.



Hello Venus didn't start with the best footing. Many of the girls had already been in pre-debut groups that broke up or were changed several times, and later as Hello Venus, there were several lineup changes before the group's debut. The final vision for the group was a seven-girl group, but Nicole left the management group shortly before their debut. Sure, many groups have changes to their pre-debut plans, but this would prove not to be their final time readjusting their plans. 


In 2014, only two years into the girls’ career, it was announced that for reasons outside their control, Yoo Ara and Yoonjo would no longer be continuing with the group. This led to another major change in the lineup of Hello Venus with two new members. It was also announced during this time that all members, both past and present, would be giving extra attention to their acting careers on top of music activities. Once again, none of these decisions on their own were necessarily bad, but it jostled the bit of momentum the group had started building and caused another redirection in focus and energy.



Ultimately, many of these (and other) unusual redirections come from the unique management over the group. Hello Venus was an experimental collaboration between Pledis Entertainment and Fantiago where both companies provided a few idols for the group and ran everything about the group as a joint venture as Tricell Media. The whole reason for group members leaving in 2014 was because the two companies had decided to end their partnership and took their respective members with them. Some fans have pointed to other inconsistencies within the group as possible moments where creative visions of the two companies differed. There is very little need to point blame to anyone for bad decisions, but it’s easy to understand why there was so much instability with these girls.


In the end, the rocky foundation made for an unusual and unfortunate career for Hello Venus. Although the experiment resulted in a less-than-ideal turnout, hopefully all the women who contributed their time and effort into this project can be happy knowing they made music that still makes many smile to this day.



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