EXID: Champions of Resilience

In a world where musical success often hinges on instant hits and flash-in-the-pan viral moments, EXID has shown that perseverance and talent can carve a path to stardom. This South Korean girl group defied the odds, overcoming initial setbacks to rise to success. The group has found success despite a tumultuous pre-debut period, heightened social media attention, and their contracts coming to an end.

EXID debuted in February 2012 with AB Entertainment (but later signed with Banana Culture) and found traction in 2014 with their song “Up & Down.” After leaving Banana Culture, the group was on hiatus, only releasing content for the Japanese market, but after a few years, they returned with an independent album to celebrate their ten-year anniversary.



Even before the group was formed, there were a number of obstacles for the girls to overcome. The first was the early departure of three members and their subsequent replacements. Such a drastic lineup change so early on could have spelled doom for the group, but they kept pushing on. Additionally, one member injured her leg during rehearsals before their debut, meaning the entire schedule needed to be pushed back to make sure she could be included. On top of that, several of the members were trainees for a while and had several opportunities to debut come and go, so the thought of giving up surely had to have crossed their mind.

Secondly, the group has gained massive attention on social media throughout their career. Although much of this was good attention, such as the unexpected success of “Up & Down,” not all of it has been so positive. Like many idol groups, there has been a good amount of criticism leveled at the group, with some of it being understandable, and some of it less so. Complaints that Hani cries too much or that some of the members sing in fake voices have plagued the group for years, but that hasn’t deterred EXID from using social media to keep pushing onward.

Lastly, the group has survived the termination of their contracts with their agency. For many groups, the news that no one has re-signed can be an indication that this is the start of the end for the group. It may hint of burnout or dissatisfaction with their trajectory. However, even after it was announced that EXID would not be resigning with their agency, the group has continued to make music together. In fact, they even released a 10-year anniversary album. In a behind the scenes video released by the group, it’s clear they are still enjoying making music and spending time together.

They might not be as active as they once were, but this doesn’t mean EXID is done. Their tenacity and dedication to their art has helped them push through time and time again, and we’re sure they will hold on for years to come.


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